Quassel IRC

Yesterday I set up a new local Service in my home network.

As I wanted to try different collaboration and communication services I often heard about the usage of IRC-channels as support channels for a bunch of open-source projects, which is why I wanted to know more about this service.

So what is it all about?

IRC is not very well known as it has a few restrictions. For example, you can’t receive messages if you aren’t online. You also can’t see messages written in a chat before you joined the chat.

To solve those limitations the project Quassel was set up.

What is Quassel?

Quassel allows to have a service (Quassel-Core) set up which stays logged in to your IRC-Channels, so you can scroll through older messages. So you can access your Messages via a web-interface (Quassel-Web) or an Android App (Quasseldroid)

So what do you have to do?

As I install all my services with docker and a docker-compose file. It all boils down to start the following compose-file:

version: "3"
    image: linuxserver/quassel-core
    container_name: quassel-core
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Europe/Berlin
#      - RUN_OPTS=--config-from-environment #optional
#      - DB_BACKEND=SQLite
#      - AUTH_AUTHENTICATOR=Database
      - ./core-config:/config
      - 4242:4242
      - 113:10113 #optional
    restart: unless-stopped
    image: linuxserver/quassel-web
    container_name: quassel-web
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - QUASSEL_CORE=quassel-core
      - QUASSEL_PORT=4242
#      - URL_BASE=/quassel #optional for subdirectory
      - 64080:64080
    restart: unless-stopped

Then you need to set up the service with the Quassel Client App (for Windows or Linux) for the first usage. Afterwards you can connect with a client of your choice.