Visualizing energy data from ENTSO-E and ENTSO-G

The ENTSO-E provides public data for the electricity load/production while the ENTSO-G provides data of transferred gas amounts in the European union.

Sadly, the data is not nicely visualized at the corresponding website (which is also very slow if a lot of data is requested). So I provided a nice frontend for the data as part of a project for my master’s degree.

The final project can be found at:

or if you are connected to the FH-Aachen university network (by VPN or eduroam) you can visit the page hosted at

The service is implemented using python only with Dash from Plotly for the pretty graphs and maps and a Flask Webserver running in a gunicorn docker container. I am currently using SQLite as data storage while I also tried Apache Spark to filter the data on a HDFS, which did not suit quite well for my usecase.

How did you do this?

In the future I will hopefully describe a little further where the challenges were before coming to the result you can see there.

I will just summarize a few:

  • understanding the data format and the energy background of the data (which was far more complicated for the ENTSO-G part)
  • different data results when requesting data from ENTSO-G as JSON vs XML vs CSV
  • map X and Y points from ENTSO-G aren’t usable as latitude and longitude
  • download the whole data (multiple times) and store it in a database (with correct names encoding)

This is a project with a quite cool result which I invested a lot of time into.
