Debian Bookworm Update
As the release of Debian Bookworm is very near and is going to happen on the next Saturday, I want to update my laptop just a little earlier.
Basically, everything went straight through after executing the following as root:
sed -i 's/bullseye/bookworm/g' /etc/apt/sources.list
sed -i 's/bullseye/bookworm/g' /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*
apt update
apt full-upgrade
After this, my encrypted Debian desktop worked fine except for some Gnome customizations which changed and screensharing.
Some gnome extensions are not supported anymore:
- choosing and remembering outputs was not natively supported in Debian bullseye - which is where this extension helped a lot
- the gnome quick menu nowadays has the same functionality integrated (only visible when input is actually in use)
- the manual night theme switcher was moved to the Gnome Quick menu, so the button is not visible anymore
- everything else works as expected
Legacy theme switcher is needed to support switching the theme of old gtk3 apps
Extended Gestures are not needed anymore, the default gestures are good enough
Screensharing did not work, which was quite a fuzz to find the problem.
I found the solution basically in this outdated thread:, but do not install pipewire-media-session
as this is deprecated in favor of wireplumber
was not installed so screensharing did not work at all
Another pain point, unrelated to Debian but happened as I updated external debs too:
- latest Ferdium did not work
- downgrade to v6.2.3 helped
- until this issue is fixed:
- I still need to run ferdium with
ferdium --enable-features=WebRTCPipeWireCapturer
e.g. edit the ferdium.desktop file to get the pipewire portal
Except for those small problems, everything worked very well.
I still use the following Gnome Extensions:
- Dash to Dock
- Clipboard Indicator
- Night Theme Indicator
- Legacy theme switcher
- Removable Drive Menu
- GS Connect
- Grand Thef Focus
- Bluetooth Battery Indicator
Debian Bookworm brings different power profiles with it, which is a very neat function based on underclocking the CPU in power-saver mode. This is very noticeable, for example, the time to open up a terminal or when using Overleaf in the browser. So I have it as “Balanced” most of the time and switch to “Performance” if needed.
Somehow one day my Debian switched to having a very high battery usage in idle. I looked into this issue when upgrading to bookworm and found help on AskUbuntu and Reddit:
sudo -i
echo 'deep' > /sys/power/mem_sleep
and edit /etc/default/grub
and edit the default cmdline to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash mem_sleep_default=deep"
This did the change from the battery using 50% while idling a night to using ~2-7% per night of idling. As I do not have a dedicated swap partition and using hibernation would require one (a swapfile can not be used for hibernation), that is a very great way to get a very usable suspend experience.
update touchscreen
For touchscreen tablet devices running gnome you might want to checkout these extensions:
- (on screen keyboard (OSK))
- (better support for touch feedback on screen and automatically showing the OSK)