Hey, I finally decided to make my own weblog. I chose to write this blog in English, as it on the one side helps me to improve my English skills and on the other side it is more international (not that I would expect a lot of users here, so it doesn’t matter a lot).
This blog will contain mainly technical stuff as well as everything else which I am interested in. We will see where this is heading and how often I will post on this blog.
Bachelor degree
I finished my dual study today (“duales Studium” in German). For those not knowing what this: Going to college for a bachelor’s degree while getting practical experience at a company.
So I reached two degrees today after my final oral exam for the IHK Aachen. First a degree as a so-called MATSE which is short for “Mathematisch-Technischer Softwareentwickler” as well as a Bachelor of Science degree with the subject “Scientific Programming”.
In the last few months, I wrote a bachelor’s thesis about the performance of different database management systems. I finished my bachelor’s thesis this month and had my colloquium. The bachelor thesis showed that changing the used database management system from Firebird to PostgreSQL improved the overall performance by about 20%.
Master degree
Starting in October I will study for a master’s degree at the FH Aachen in Jülich with the subject “Angewandte Mathematik und Informatik”, which translates to “applied math and computer science”. There I probably have the opportunity to explore Milwaukee in Wisconsin, US in the second year of the master’s study. I hope to get into the exchange program, which depends on the number of students applying to the graduate dual degree program.
Anyway, I am really looking forward to the master’s study and very happy that I finished everything so far. Now I have a month’s time for travel and organizing my private life as well as some private projects I didn’t have time for until now.