I am going to the USA

Today I received very great news. I have been accepted to graduate my Master’s degree in Mathematics at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

I am really happy and hope that everything goes well until August/September. Hopefully, the Corona outbreak will be over in fall this year. This whole opportunity is a big dream of mine and I will make a lot of great experiences there. It is quite hard to express feelings or find the right words in this kind of blog (which is why I am doing it: to get better at it) but this is probably going to be the start of one of the greatest adventures of mine.

I am looking for someone to share in an adventure that I am arranging, and it’s very difficult to find anyone. ~ Gandalf

Probably this is going to have quite a similar impact on my life as I won’t be the same when I come back either. But I am definitely coming back and hopefully will be a little wiser and have a few lessons learned.

So first things first: I need to have a visa to be allowed to enter the US. I will probably need a J-1-Visum which is valid for 60 months (only while also studying) and allows multiple entries. As the exchange with the UWM is partly organized by the cooperation between the FHAC and the UWM I don’t have to pay the university fees which makes life a lot easier for me. In a few months, I will probably have a lot organized and already a good plan when and how everything will happen. It is already very strange to tell people (like the Big Bands I am playing in) that I won’t come after the summer break and see them for the last time at the end of June.
But I am very happy and really look forward to the future.